The use of flocculants is applied to deal with many problems such as:
- In cases of overloading of urban wastewater treatment plants, when the load of impurities increases sharply. Flocculants increase the efficiency of the plant and the degree of purification, favoring the formation, compaction and weight of biodegradable substances.
- When there are high concentrations of phosphates, hydrogen sulfide and sulfides that need to be removed.
- To prevent the formation of floating mud or to improve the texture of condensed mud in industrial wastewater and urban wastewater treatment systems. With the use of flocculants, a greater degree of dehydration of the mud is achieved.
Flocculants can be injected at various locations of the wastewater treatment plant, such as: the pre-treatment stage, the biological treatment stage and the final treatment stage. When flocculation occurs in the pre-purification stage, a lightening of the biological purification step is achieved, followed by a reduction of the load and the organic impurities by 40-60%. This is why flocculation is usually done at an early stage to remove suspended and colloidal particles from their subsequent weighting and precipitation.
In order to select the appropriate flocculation agent, the following parameters should be taken into account as a matter of priority:
- Its flocculating properties and the pH of the waste
- Its water solubility
- The simplicity and functionality of its dosing
- Its price
- Not to contain impurities that create side environmental problems
Redox is very often used in the treatment of toxic or non-liquid waste, drinking water and municipal wastewater. Oxidation is the loss of electrons and is mainly used for:
- Improving the processing capacity of non-biodegradable organic substances
- Reduction or elimination of toxicity of certain organic and inorganic substances in the microbial growth and in the aquatic flora
- Reduce or eliminate the toxicity of certain organic and inorganic substances to microbial growth and aquatic flora
- Decomposition of organic molecules present in wastewater and constitute BOD (eg ozone oxidation, chlorine hydrogen peroxide)
Reduction is the uptake of electrons e.g. H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl and is mainly used in metal and cement industries for the reduction of hexavalent chromium of raw materials to trivalent.
Disinfection in a place or object is the killing of organisms that cause diseases, without destroying all the organisms during the process. At this point, disinfection differs from sterilization, in which all organisms are destroyed. Disinfectants or biocides are the active substances or preparations that destroy, prevent, harm and prevent or limit the action of any harmful organism.
Biocides are essential for public health but their use is done according to specific quality standards and standards. For this reason, there are regulations and provisions regarding the placing of biocidal products on the market, so that there is control both at national level and at European level of the use of biocidal products.
Biocidal products that are distributed without authorisation and without quality controls should be avoided because their use does not ensure the required result and poses risks to public health.
Neutralisation is required for all treated liquid waste with very low or high pH before disposing of it to a natural recipient (river, lake, sea). Also, adjusting the pH prevents damage to sewers, mechanical equipment, etc. and significantly improves the efficiency of a sewage or wastewater treatment plant. It is also needed in other processes that require specific pH values. Acidic waste is neutralised by the addition of alkaline chemicals while alkaline waste is added by the addition of acidic chemicals.

With over 30 years of experience in the production and distribution of chemicals, we have the means and the knowledge to meet the needs of our clients.
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