Our company has supplied drinking water treatment chemicals to more than 100 companies in Greece and abroad. We participate in public tenders and win a large percentage of them by offering high quality and tested chemicals for executing almost 50 public water treatment contracts each year.
In this context we produce flocculating aqueous solutions suitable for drinking water treatment, with the most recent and tested with excellent results the solution of trivalent ferrous sulfate, while at the same time we distribute a number of other products such as disinfectants, buffers and filter fillers.
The continuous quality and cost controls that characterize all the actions of our company are applied to the projects related to drinking water in order to ensure the best possible results for our customers, the final users and the environment.
All the products of Feri Tri as well as production and distribution processes follow strict certification and quality standards. Especially in the field of drinking water, the technical specifications we follow ensure the best possible result for this essential element of daily life.