Feri Tri started producing aqueous iron flocculants for urban wastewater and wastewater treatment 30 years ago. During this period it has supplied most of the wastewater treatment plants in Greece and Cyprus and has contributed to the resolution of many environmental issues of these facilities. As we ensure that our products match the needs and available financial resources of each case, we are constantly looking for new products and optimization of existing ones.
The quality and economy assurance that characterizes all the actions of our company also applies to projects related to urban wastewater in order to ensure the best for our customers and natural recipients so that through our actions the market is strengthened and we take care the environment.
All of our products as well as the production and distribution processes follow strict certification and quality standards. In the field of urban wastewater treatment we carefully take into account the technical specifications set by the competent bodies so that there is as little impact as possible on the environment.