Feri Tri’s vision is green chemistry. We all know that chemistry is essential to our world as it is part of nature. But usually man-made chemicals have potentially harmful effects on the ecosystem due to the use of hazardous substances as raw materials and additives.
At our company we aim to minimize the use of hazardous substances, to recycle them within industrial applications and to replace them with environmentally friendly substances, whenever possible. In this direction and by following the evolution of technology and research, green chemistry can gradually become a reality.
Beyond this long-term vision, Feri Tri ‘s focuses on managing daily steps like the production and marketing of water and wastewater treatment products, the improvement of industrial and municipal waste, the care of soil and plants, the reduction of air pollutants and other environmental applications. Our desire is to offer innovative proposals in the field of production and distribution of products that are more friendly to humans and the environment in order to take care of the planet and our customers in the best possible way.
- 1987 | The company “Feri-Tri SA” is founded by the chemical engineer Dimitrios Aslanidis and the Swiss doctor chemical engineer Anton Aregger, in the Industrial Area of Thessaloniki, in Sindos. The purpose of the company was the production and marketing of chemical products used for the production of drinking and industrial water, and for the treatment of industrial wastewater and urban wastewater. The initial activity of the company was the production of flocculant solution of ferric chloride sulfate (FeClSO4), and then expanded to the production of almost all chemical products – solutions based on iron (Fe).
- 2002 | Feri-Tri absorbs “ASPA-CHEMICALS SA” and extends its scope to the marketing of equipment for water, wastewater, sewage treatment plants and to the provision of services related to the application of the products it produces and markets.
- 2009 | The company innovates with the service of receipt and utilization of liquid wastewater from the dry cleaning of steel surfaces, contributing to the protection of the environment and the economy of companies that have to manage such hazardous waste.
- 2011 | The branch of the company in Thebes, Boeotia, starts operating for better and more economical service of its customers that are active in the region of Central Greece, the Peloponnese, the Aegean islands and Crete.
- 2013 |Feri-Tri obtains a fertiliser marketing license and is registered in the Fertiliser Trade Register. In this way, iron sulfate and other basic raw materials that it introduces and are sources of enrichment of plants and soil due to their trace elements, are officially used as fertiliser raw materials.
- 2018 |The company is certified with a license to practice the profession of road transporter, thus having a license for road transport of chemical products inside and outside Greece with public trucks.
Today, the company, apart from iron products, produces a number of other chemical products in liquid and solid form, both for use in water treatment and for various industrial applications. The many years of experience, high specialization and know-how of the company’s staff contribute to the offer of FERI -TRI products and goods at competitive prices and with certified quality, while it remains until today the only production unit of iron solutions in Greece.
For Feri Tri, the protection and care of the environment is not a recent choice due to necessity but its primary concern since its establishment. This is also why our products and services are directly related to ecological applications.
The production process we follow can be described as “almost completely safe” and very environmentally friendly, while our products and goods are used for water and wastewater treatment, improvement of industrial and municipal waste, soil renewal, reduction air pollution and other processes aimed at protecting the environment.
In addition, in our company we follow a program of recycling, reuse and utilization of all items used in the production process and in the provision of our services. Specifically:
- Recycling and utilization of liquid waste from our production.
- Recycling and utilization of liquid waste from the production of galvanizing plants.
- Repair of our packaging items and maintenance of our facilities.
- Recycling of office consumables and packaging of our goods.
- Maintenance of a three plantation around our facilities and a small flower and vegetable garden
In addition, the company has developed an “Emergency Plan” and a “Major Accident Prevention Policy”, while inspecting all procedures and setting annual targets to improve its environmental footprint, reducing where possible energy and resource consumption and improving infrastructure.
For the correct implementation and organization of the procedures related to Quality and the Environment, Feri-Tri applies the standards ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004.
The company follows a clearly formulated policy for the quality, environment and health and safety of employees, according to the standards EN 9001, 14001 and 18001. The term “Quality” in the company FERI-TRI means that the services provided through of its projects in the field of chemical water treatment and wastewater fully meet the needs of customers as they have been set based on agreed specifications, but also the specifications of the company itself in terms of strategic goals and development policy.
The company places special emphasis on product quality, as well as production processes aimed at consumer satisfaction and safety. The supply of high quality and reliable products by the company is achieved by controlling and continuously improving all processes related to quality assurance. The company policy extends to the protection of the environment and the safety and health of employees, including the prevention of pollution, the reduction of environmental impacts and occupational risks arising from the activities of the company. The company fully complies with the legislation in force for the environment and occupational risk and through the establishment of specific goals and objectives for the environment and occupational risk seeks the continuous improvement of performance through the Integrated Management System.
Feri-Tri has the following objectives:
- The provision of quality, reliable and environmentally friendly chemical products for treatment of water, wastewater and sewage.
- The development of new products through continuous laboratory research.
- The promotion of environmental awareness, safety and health to our employees, customers and suppliers.
- Dedication to quality in order to meet customers’ requirements and offer solutions to its daily problems.
- Maintaining and increasing its market share.
- The maintenance and further evaluation of its approved suppliers.
- The development of occupational risk reduction programs.
- Increasing the recycling rate of solid waste.
- The reduction of hazardous liquid waste.
- The use of fully recyclable containers for the final products.
The Management of the company is committed to the achievement of the goals, through the following actions:
- Communicating its policy to employees and its availability to the general public
- Provision of all materials and the human resources required
- Review of the results from the implementation of the actions required for the implementation of the objectives
- Compliance with applicable legal requirements related to environmental aspects, safety & hygiene in the workplace and product quality and continuous improvement of the efficiency of the Integrated Management System.
- Review the policy to achieve goals whenever necessary
The implementation of this policy is a primary commitment for the management of the company and the responsibility of all employees. For the implementation of the Policy, the company operates with the following principles:
- The Management provides the human resources of the company with a good working environment, both in terms of working conditions and the cultivation of a climate of teamwork and cooperation for the perfect execution of projects.
- The Management ensures the implementation of training and retraining programs of the company’s human resources, so that they are always able to respond satisfactorily to the fulfilment of their duties.
- The company provides all the necessary means (equipment, tools, preparations, personal protective equipment, forms, training, etc.) to achieve the Quality Objectives.
- All elements of the controls are properly documented, analyzed and used as part of a continuous quality improvement effort.
- Possible deviations are an occasion for immediate execution of corrective and preventive actions.
- Management is commited to the Quality Policy. It ensures this commitment, cultivating the spirit of total and collective effort in all the human resources of the company and having all the necessary means, so that everyone adheres to the Quality Policy and promotes every action that constantly promotes and improves quality.

With over 30 years of experience in the production and distribution of chemicals, we have the means and the knowledge to meet the needs of our clients.
We consider health and safety issues of paramount importance, so we are constantly informed about this area and take care of these issues inside and outside our facilities.
In order to safeguard health and safety within our facilities:
- We comply with safety measures, regulations and relevant provisions.
- We inform our staff about the rules and measures to be followed during the production, use and handling of chemicals and for dealing with emergencies.
- We provide to our staff and customers with special documents for the safety (Security Data Sheets – MSDS) of our products and goods.
- We use the necessary protective equipment (uniforms, gloves, shoes, masks, helmets, goggles, etc.)
- We place in visible places the necessary marking of prohibitions and warnings as well as the special marking on all the packages of the chemical products.
- We carry out a risk assessment and plan actions to eliminate or reduce them, through the appropriate selection of prevention and protection measures.
- We improve the working and safety conditions with the daily supervision of the certified Safety Technician of our company.
In order to ensure security outside our premises (when transporting products and goods):
- We follow the regulations of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Licensing and Restrictions of Chemicals (REACH) laying down procedures for the free movement of chemicals.
- Our employers are ADR certified tank – truck drivers.
- We own private, suitable and ADR certified vehicles for the transport of our goods.
- We have a certified Safe Transport Consultant who ensures compliance with the regulations for the transport of dangerous goods, provides advice and verifies the existence of transport documents and safety equipment that must accompany the vehicles during the transport of chemicals, but also for compliance of this equipment with regulations.
- We insure the means of transport of our company with a special insurance policy of liability for any possibility of failure during transport.
For the proper implementation and organisation of procedures related to health and safety at work, Feri-Tri applies to the OHSAS 18001 standard.
Technical specialties
Chemical Engineers
Mechanical Engineers
Loading and unloading machine operators
Administrative specialties
University graduates and TEI School of Management or Economics
Chemical Engineers and Chemists
Graduates in Logistics and Supply Chain
Other specialties
ADR certified drivers
Auxiliary staff
Municipal Water Supply & Sewerage Companies | Municipalities & Communities | Swimming pools
Food Industry | Dairies | Dairy industry | Distillery | Canning Industry | Meat Industry | Slaughterhouses | Fish farms | Feed Industry | Refineries – Petroleum Battery Industry | Biofuel Companies | Biogas Sector | Electricity Companies | Gas Companies | Paint Industry | Textile Industry | Tanneries | Cosmetics Industry | Paper industry | Metal Processing Sector | Cement industry | Chemical Industry
Fertiliser Sector | Agricultural Supplies Sector | Nurseries
Exhaust Management Companies | Recycling Companies | Waste Management Companies | Disinfestation – Disinfection Companies